Thursday, February 10, 2011

Class 4: Reflections on Mini Lecture

Class 4- February 10th, 2011 

Doc Chris started off todays class with a short lecture about filming, production, proposal, and pitch.  He showed us one type of camera that we will be using in this class, and let us practice with the video camera.  He also told us a little background information about the Kodak HD Video Camera.  He showed us how to use the camera and how to hold it to get the best picture.  Then Doc Chris spoke about some key points about production and pitches.  Doc Chris also spoke about convergence and how todays society and the todays technology convergence is used more and more.  Doc Chris gave us examples of convergence, and he said one of the most common technology that incorporates convergence is smart phones.  

Some of the key points were:

-- Intro: Tell them what you want to tell them 
   Body: Then TELL them
   Wrap Up: Tell them what's in it for them- Tell them what you TOLD them
--You can have one major point- but you should have 3 supporting points to back it up
--Your pitch should be no longer than 5 minutes 

Then, Doc Chris went on the Facebook group page and wrote an example for a pitch for Domestic Violence.  We read over his Voiceover concept that he wrote on spot and showed how it works and is effective.  After we read the voiceover, as a class, we negotiated our ideas for the pitch and changed some of the grammar.  We ended up with a script and it only took a couple of minutes.  After the first pitch, Doc Chris came up with three more pitches and we all helped give him our input on the different pitches.  He said first you write down whats in your head, then you break it down and analyze it, and he said you should always be thinking of your three key points.        

Doc Chris also spoke about five points for a pitch:

1. Intro
2. Host
3. Show Opening

4. Show Close
5. Outro

Were a wolfpack 

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